I'm a #lucky man in so many ways. Don't get me wrong, I feel like I have put in a ton of hard work to be where I am in life, but I have so much more than I deserve. My family, friends, career, and music all feel like gifts to me.
I'm so excited about the things that are happening in my music career over the next few weeks and months! On August 18, I will be playing my original music at The Listening Room of Mobile. I can't even begin to explain how hyped I am for this show and this venue. If you have never heard of The Listening Room of Mobile, please look it up. Jim Pennington has built an amazing venue where artists and audiences can connect and have a shared experience like no other. Check out the Facebook page!
I would like to thank Rhonda Huete of Gravity Blinks for putting this show together! I'm looking forward to listening to, and jamming with, her and Adam Schrubbe Saturday night. This showcase will feature music from the Making Waves playlist on Spotify. Listen and follow if you get a chance!
In September, I will be performing at The Mississippi Songwriters Festival in beautiful Ocean Springs, MS! More to come on dates/times, but the festival is September 20-23. I'm also in discussions with other festivals in the area. Hopefully, much more to come on that in the near future!
My song "Shelter" will be released on 8/17/18 on all the major streaming platforms. It's currently available to pre-order on Apple Music, Google Play Music, and Amazon. It's also available to pre-save on Spotify through this link. Sincere thanks to Doug Stepanek for adding the low frequencies and his finely tuned eardrums to this song, as well as the others. He is a great musician and an even better friend. Go check out his music!
We also have a few shows coming up with The Huey P's over the next few months. Follow my Facebook page to stay up to date on those!
Finally, thank all of you for listening, reading, commenting, liking, and reaching out to me while I have been doing this. It's not easy creating something and sharing it with the world. The biggest fear is not that someone won't like it; it's that nobody will care enough to notice. So many of you have reached out to support me and I truly appreciate that!
I'll leave you with a video of Doug and I having way too much fun...
P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Spotify!!!